May the Year of the Tiger bring you and your family peace, prosperity and great happiness.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Just in case UNSC works on the weekend
It occurred to me last night that United Nations Security Council might work on the weekend. So I made a PowerPoint presentation and will try to fill in the necessary details later.
- It appeared that Chinese government had a plan to bring my story up at the United Nations Security Council during the current month of January, when China is the rotating chair. This makes sense for a number of reasons, among them:
- My story does involve multiple governments.
- My story contains important information related to UN business, such as the Copenhagen conference.
- My story is about facts and logic, not political theatre, at which the Obama administration is very good. In contrast, the Chinese government is very weak in public communications. UNSC would be an ideal forum for them.
- In anticipation of the Chinese plan, the Obama administration deliberately ratcheted up tensions with China and exhibited a dangerous inclination to seek military solutions. This also makes sense for a number of reasons, among them:
- As is often said, truth is the first casualty of a war (or something like that). Were the Obama administration and his predecessor complicit in the cover-up of the murders of 9-year-old Cecilia Zhang and 5-year-old Tamra Keepness? Was I tortured in mental hospital and beaten in prison? Was his "winning" the Nobel Peace Prize a fraud? Etc, etc…
- Given the many setbacks of his agenda and his sagging poll numbers, and especially the electoral defeat in Massachusetts, Mr. Obama knew that the easiest way to prop up his approval rating is to start a confrontation or even a war.
- Given America's economic woes and the interlocking economic relations between U.S. and China, it's easy to find a scapegoat in China. Witness the first sign of it: Mr. Obama had already started feeding American people with China envy in his State of the Union speech.
- Basically, Mr. Obama has never given up his fanatical idea of confronting China militarily. Portions of his State of the Union speech, such as "we must answer history's call", smacked the same tired and discredited rhetoric in his Cairo speech and Nobel acceptance speech, as I wrote about before.
- The cards Mr. Obama used to ratchet up tension with China included Taiwan and Google. Why Google? Just take a look at the many evil deeds Google did to me at the beginning part of my journey, as mentioned in my blog. (At the time, I might have thought Google was taking orders from private individuals. -- If anyone has any doubt that Google could play politics, just note that Twitter, another American Internet company, took orders from the White House, too, during the recent Iranian election/unrest.)
- At the mean time, Mr. Obama tried very hard to drag me through any mud he could dreg up, or to demonize me, in order to ultimately discredit me. Of course, knowing that I am alone without help, and knowing that I am having a severe episode of back pain (see "numbing weight of politics" in his State of the Union address), it's especially a good idea for him to put as much pressure on me as possible, or to bully me directly. For example:
- Why did the Obama administration finalize the Taiwan arms sale on Friday, January 29? Because I started writing this blog on Thursday and had planned to publish whatever I could finish on Friday morning. (As always, the U.S. and Canadian governments knew every move of mine, in real time.) By beating me in announcing the arms sale, the Obama administration would create the impression that my publishing the blog was in response to the sale announcement and thus I was at fault for the rising tension. Of course, when you wanted to bring the American people along to war with a big country like China, you have to appear confident by being aggressive.
- The purported bin Laden tapes. (You've got to marvel at the U.S. government for the way they value their enemies.)
- Perhaps the most outrageous attempt in this regard was Mr. Obama's out-of-the-world, swift response to my blog on Haiti earthquake. Besides the overt militaristic tone in his speech - augmented by the presence of his national security team with the noticeable absence of the head of USAID - he was also heavy on religious rhetoric. I did not realize at first that Mr. Obama's religious rhetoric was in response to the underlying Buddhist sensibility in my blog. -- I do not consider myself a Buddhist, strictly speaking. But Buddhism is part of my culture and it is only natural that my writing would have a undertone born out of that culture, without myself being consciously aware of it. Is there anything wrong with that?
- I knew I had to respond in order to clear the way for the Chinese government to bring my story up at the UNSC. But I had too much respect for the perished and the still suffering in Haiti to give Mr. Obama another excuse to politicize the issue. Oh, yeah, I knew Mr. Obama would give political interpretation to whatever I was going to say, if my innocent one sentence blog could "galvanize" him so such. -- When I wrote my Haiti earthquake blog, politics was something furthest from my mind. Obviously this was a natural disaster whose devastation was made so much worse by the poor conditions of that country. And if you read my blog, you know that poverty is something I care dearly. Besides, who would not be moved seeing our Governor-General break down on TV?
- After I had declared that I was out of politics, I had always thought that I was out of politics. With my back pain getting worse, I knew I should spend time walking, rather than in front of my computer to follow politics. Indeed, it was after I fully grasped Mr. Obama's reactions to my Haiti earthquake blog that I was able to piece everything (including Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue the Parliament at the end of December) together to realize UNSC. And it was still later that I sensed that the Chinese government probably planned to bring me out as the No. 5. Still, I think Mr. Obama over-reacted to my Haiti earthquake blog. And he did so deliberately in order to drag me into the mud and to create tension.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My heart goes out to the Haitian people
It's just so sad to see the human suffering from yesterday's devastating earthquake near Port-au-Prince.