Here is my responseto the letter above. Hope Metro will print it soon.
To Brett O'Reilly, regarding "Yu not credible" (Metro, Nov. 9).
Although I appreciate your interest in my story, I am disappointed that, apparently, you haven't read the facts presented on my websites starting at www.jyu1.blogspot.com.
Because if you had, you would have known that I have been struggling for over a year to try to expose the federal cover-up; that I had fasted most of the time during an 8 months period starting October 20, 2004, one year anniversary of Cecilia Zhang's abduction; that I had protested in up to minus 20 temperature on Parliament Hill; that I had lost more than 30 pounds and likely contacted tuberculosis in the process; and that all the while, the national media knew about my story, convinced the veracity of my claims, and deliberately turn to the other way. My action last Monday, in short, was not an isolated one.
And if you had, you would have known that this murder cover-up is not just another scandal of the federal Liberal government, it is one that rivals in magnitude and stench with Adscam; and that former Chretien assistant Warren Kinsella had attempted to use this story to derail the Gomery Inquiry earlier this year; and that former Mulroney assistant Pat MacAdam had done a complete about-face with me. (Curious why?) Then you will probably appreciate the importance of getting the truth out to the people.
The space allowed for this letter is limited. I can only urge you again to take a moment and read through the facts and logic laid out on my websites.
Jim Yu, Burnaby