Christmas dinner at the Salvation Army: $0.00
A good night sleep in a long, long time: $1000.00 *
Merry Christmas from Mom: priceless
* Not an actual pay-out, obviously
Thursday, December 29, 2005
My Christmas
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
7 voice mails from yesterday were delayed until this morning
All of them were from reporters. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Oh, an email from a reporter was also delayed last Thursday.
Note 12/13/2005: I had tried to hold a news conference on that day.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Debate is fine with me

Here is my responseto the letter above. Hope Metro will print it soon.
To Brett O'Reilly, regarding "Yu not credible" (Metro, Nov. 9).
Although I appreciate your interest in my story, I am disappointed that, apparently, you haven't read the facts presented on my websites starting at
Because if you had, you would have known that I have been struggling for over a year to try to expose the federal cover-up; that I had fasted most of the time during an 8 months period starting October 20, 2004, one year anniversary of Cecilia Zhang's abduction; that I had protested in up to minus 20 temperature on Parliament Hill; that I had lost more than 30 pounds and likely contacted tuberculosis in the process; and that all the while, the national media knew about my story, convinced the veracity of my claims, and deliberately turn to the other way. My action last Monday, in short, was not an isolated one.
And if you had, you would have known that this murder cover-up is not just another scandal of the federal Liberal government, it is one that rivals in magnitude and stench with Adscam; and that former Chretien assistant Warren Kinsella had attempted to use this story to derail the Gomery Inquiry earlier this year; and that former Mulroney assistant Pat MacAdam had done a complete about-face with me. (Curious why?) Then you will probably appreciate the importance of getting the truth out to the people.
The space allowed for this letter is limited. I can only urge you again to take a moment and read through the facts and logic laid out on my websites.
Jim Yu, Burnaby
Monday, November 07, 2005
My letter is published by Metro today

Don't rush to call me lunatic is on page 4 of today's Metro.
Update 11/11/2005: For the record, here is my original letter:
Dear Editor,
As the subject of your report, I would like to present my side of the story.
Since summer 2004, I have written extensively on my various websites about Cecilia Zhang abduction and murder cover-up. The goal of my protest on Monday was, ideally through the media, to bring public's attention to my websites, whose addresses I put on both my T-shirt and placard while atop the bridge. I am thus disappointed at your report, mostly because of the lack of information about my cause.
I understand that you probably obtained your information from the police. My Internet record shows that New Westminster police themselves visited my websites extensively on Monday. Reading your report, together with some other ones, I come to the conclusion that the police were deliberately suppressing information about my cause while emphasizing or exaggerating my mental state to discredit me. The police also intentionally delayed the resolve of the situation so as to cause a negative reaction towards me from the public.
Because of the extraordinary nature of my allegation against the government, it's natural that people would have doubt. The best way to find out if I am indeed a lunatic as police suggested to a Province reporter, or, alternatively, if the federal government, as I claimed, at least knew and possibly involved in the crime that resulted in Cecilia Zhang's death, is to publish the addresses of my websites and let your readers be the judge. A good starting point is to go to my main blog and click on Summary of Connections to Cecilia Zhang case.
Last but not least, I would like to offer a sincere apology to all affected motorists.
Jim Yu, Burnaby
Friday, November 04, 2005
Letter to the Editor of The Province
From: Jim Yu | Mailed-By: |
Dear Editor,
As the subject of your report, I would like to present my side of the story and correct some of the misinformation about me.
Since summer 2004, I have written extensively on my various websites about Cecilia Zhang abduction and murder cover-up. The goal of my protest on Monday was, ideally through the media, to bring public's attention to my websites, whose addresses I put on both my T-shirt and placard while atop the bridge.
I am thus disappointed at your report, not only because of the lack of information about my cause, but also because of the misinformation about my mental state. Specifically, I am not at all schizophrenic, although I did feel depressed from time to time, a fact that I disclosed on my websites.
I understand that you probably obtained your information from the police. My Internet record shows that New Westminster police themselves visited my websites extensively on Monday. Reading your report, together with some other ones, I come to the conclusion that the police were deliberately suppressing information about my cause while emphasizing or exaggerating my mental state to discredit me. The police also intentionally delayed the resolve of the situation so as to cause a negative reaction towards me from the public.
Because of the extraordinary nature of my allegation against the government, it's natural that people would have doubt. The best way to find out if I am indeed a lunatic, or, alternatively, if the federal government, as I claimed, at least knew and possibly involved in the crime that resulted in Cecilia Zhang's death, is to publish the addresses of my websites and let your readers be the judge. A good starting point is to go to my main blog and click on Summary of Connections to Cecilia Zhang case.
Last but not least, I would like to offer a sincere apology to those motorists affected.
Jim Yu, Burnaby
Friday, October 28, 2005
The importance of privacy (II)
Remember George Radwanski, former Privacy Commissioner of Canada?
No, I am not asking you if you recall how he was disgraced by, wait, the Liberals who appointed him. I am not asking you either to recall how much he spent on his lunches, although I am pretty sure they're in the ranges of those spent by, say, Joe Volpe.
I would like to bring your attention instead to what he said on privacy when he was the Privacy Commissioner.
If we have to go through our lives thinking twice about everywhere we go, everything we do, every contact and every purchase because we have to ask ourselves how it might look when it's monitored, recorded, noted, analyzed, interpreted, perhaps misinterpreted, and used against us by agents of the state, we are not truly free.
I am sure you are all free, not like me living in a virtual solitary confinement. Therefore, it is pretty damn hard for you to understand what it is like to be watched every moment of the day (and night).
Remember, though, I have been living more or less like this for quite some time now. Coming back from Ottawa in June, I felt I was at a breaking point both physically and mentally. I not only desperately wanted to FEEL free, but also needed to do so, even though I knew I was not free.
Specifically, I knew that my borrowing records from various libraries were not private. Not wanting to be bothered, I chose to ignore the nuts-cracking by some of you until I realized that a mistake was made on September 3.
Ordinarily it would not be a big deal when someone borrows a wrong video/DVD. Writing about this mistake thus makes me feel wired, like I am confessing a crime. And it is still possible that I could be criticized of being paranoid. In fact, I have been hesitating and debating (thus stuck) for an agonizing while about whether I should blog about it.
I indeed wrote a draft about it a few weeks ago:
Apropos of nothing…
Have you ever picked up a video/DVD from the library (or Blockbuster's) and found out that it was not exactly what you were expecting ONLY after you (or someone else) popped it into the video/DVD machine?
Now that we are on this subject, perhaps I should ask you some questions:
- If you were to draw some kind of conclusions, or any kind of conclusions for that matter, shouldn't you ask yourself whether it is possible to do so just by analyzing borrowing records?
- If it was possible, shouldn't you then make sure you have my complete records? And shouldn't you want to know which items I reviewed perhaps several times and which items I simply did not finish watching?
- Now let's suppose you do have my complete borrowing records (although I very much doubt it because it is to the data provider's advantage to spin my information), shouldn't you want to know why I chose each item? (Mind you, don't think too hard because I pick up a lot of them fairly randomly.)
I could go on with all those possibilities. The point is that there is no "intelligent design" in my borrowing records. There is no hidden message either, except for the only time that I sent you a message through my borrowing record on September 10 when I tried to tell you what I had intended to borrow the previous week. And I soon realized that was a real mistake and I stopped borrowing videos/DVDs altogether.
Why am I writing this? Why am I writing this? – I feel like a fool.
The point is, if you want to know what my view is on anything, simply interview me. Given how desperate I am to get my story out, the chance is very good that you will have your questions answered.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The importance of privacy (I)
As you may have noticed – or, have you? – that I had translated the Summary of connections to Cecilia Zhang case and put it up here.
During the translation, the question naturally came to my mind again: Why did Cecilia die?
Hatred. Yes, we all know that by now. But how could anyone be so hateful as to take a 9-year-old's life as innocent and beautiful as Cecilia's?
I believe that the loss of my privacy played an important part in the generation of that hatred. As I wrote in my summary:
Since the defendant has the ears of the government and some politicians, they could spin my case easily. Mostly, I think they spread rumors that connected one of the defendant's (Weldon's) daughters with me. These kinds of rumors had the effect of masking their malicious intention (i.e., destroying my career out of jealousy and/or hatred). Besides, they further exposed me to hatred and contempt.
Of course, I do not think they would tell anybody about the reference letter of 1993 - the origin of my grievances - and the subsequent bullying and harassment.
In this situation, I could be described as bad, as nonsensical, or as extreme as possible because I did not have a chance to present my side of the facts.
My current situation is pretty much the same as before except that the people who are the target of spin are now the journalists, because only through them can my story see the light of the day. And the party that does all the spin is the all powerful governments and politicians.
The point is: I wanted to convince you journalists, provided that you have the conscience to care about what is right and what is wrong. However, I could not possibly win an argument – even if I can be sure what the argument is -- without privacy.
Friday, September 16, 2005
The China connection
Chinese President Hu Jintao is in town today. I just came back from my protest because of the previously unpublicized China connection to my story.
The China connection
One of the defendants named in my lawsuit, Mr. Matthew Li, is a Chinese working on Wall Street. Many agents named in my report seemed to have come to me by his order, directly or indirectly. Mr. Li, through his agent Han-Xin Lin, suggested in January 2001 that he knew the family of Li Peng, the then Premier of China, in an apparent attempt to muzzle/threaten me. In early 2002 while I was visiting my hometown in China, the son of Li Peng, through one of my relatives, delivered a threatening message to me. I have not come back to China since then for fear of my safety.
I am a little tired. But I think I will continue the protest tomorrow morning.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
That's too much privacy!
I thought No. 7 on my list is kinda obvious. Maybe not?
Update 10/27/2005: See a picture here via this alternative link to the broken one above.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Letter of the day
This just in?
I was greatly relieved to unfold The Globe and Mail and see Diana, Princess of Wales on the front page (Conspiracy Theory Deflated In Death Of Faded Idol Diana -- Aug. 26). Clearly, all important problems of world violence, poverty and hunger must have been solved if a report about a 1997 car accident is a leading story in Canada's national newspaper.
I can only hope that in future you will find some way to mention both Diana and Karla Homolka in a news story, thereby combining the ultimate in pointless celebrity obsession and horror.
Why not the Cecilia Zhang murder cover-up? You have been holding it down for too long, I guess.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The (il)logic of Margaret Wente
Cross-posted on Norman's Spectator
Re: Tuesday's THE COLUMN I WISH I'D WRITTEN: The Globe and Mail's Margaret Wente is onto smart Canadians and dumb Americans
I normally enjoy the selection of columns very much. But this one's logic is so twisted that it qualifies neatly as what Professor Harry G. Frankfurt called bullshit.
I'll give you two examples.
At the beginning of the review, Norman quoted her as saying:
Are Canadians more intellectually sophisticated than Americans? We like to think so. And now there's scientific proof. It's called "intelligent design."
In other words, she was either saying that
"Intelligent design" is scientific proof that Canadians are more intellectually sophisticated than Americans.
"Intelligent design" is scientific proof that [we] Canadians like to think that we are more intellectually sophisticated than Americans.
Neither statement, however, makes much sense scientifically, to say nothing of her illogical attempt to equate part (Canadian or American) with whole.
The real twist came at the end of her column. She concluded:
To me, that [Canadians belief that "U.S. foreign policy" poses the same risk to Canada as "terrorism."] is as weird as believing in intelligent design.
So, the implied conclusion is that Canadians are no more intellectually sophisticated than Americans, according to her previous logic.
The point is that there is no point at all in her column. I guess she does not really care about making any point. And that just qualifies her as a bullshitter.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Home sweet home
Still, I have to marvel that Canada is a great country. While billions of people on this planet living on a dollar a day or less, some of the "clients" of the shelter seemed to have lived there forever, at a cost of approximately C$30 a day, without having to do anything. ( I worked as a private tutor at nearby University of Ottawa in the midest of fasting and blogging, in order to pay my rent in Vancouver.)
That Canada is a great country is further confirmed by the people and land I saw aboard Air Canada flight 189. Besides me sat two older ladies who were very talkative. Looking out the window, one of them correctly pointed out that we were flying over Winnepeg. How did she know? Canada is such a vast country yet the land and people never failed to amaze me. I wish I had not fallen asleep and talked to them a little more.
Finally, I was home. Indeed, there is no other place feels like home.
While I am writing this blog and reflecting on my Ottawa trips, I realize that my homy feeling will forever be discounted if I failed to bring justice to Cecilia Zhang, whose feeling of comfort and security of her home as a 9 year old girl must have been completely shattered when she was grabbed from her bed and taken away from her parents in the middle of the night October 19-20, 2003. I also know that for myself, if I do not find out who brazenly intruded my privacy by putting survellience device in my apartment, I will not feel secure again, even in my current home, even in this great country called Canada.
Cecilia Zhang and I are targeted because we are immigrants, second-class citizens from a "communist country", in the eyes of the establishment, and possibly the government. Therefore, I will, and must, continue my fight to bring "equality everywhere" so that Canada will be an even greater country for all people.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Cecilia Zhang in the news ... or not
What's also apparent was that there's a total media blackout this time.
Based on my crude research, if there is a media competition to cover this case this week, Toronto Star would easily win with a total of about 1,100 words written. That is, for the whole week's development, plus the case history, the descriptions of both the victim and the accused.
As for the CanWest chain of newspapers and The Globe and Mail? Apparently, nobody was assigned to cover this story this week from either of these two newspapers. We thus do not even know how the publication ban came about.
And for CBC? I heard CBC Radio run a brief item at its 5:00AM broadcast this morning. Then it was dropped. -- Actually, it did so at least on two days of this week.
Is this story not news worthy any more?
Remember the intensity of media coverage when she was first found missing?
Remember the intensity of media coverage when her body was found later?
Remember the intensity of media coverage when a suspect was charged last summer?
Oh well, I guess somebody, or somebodies, does not want the public to remember her any more.
Because she had served her purpose, which was, tragically ironically, to generate news headlines on October 20, 2003. Or, to borrow a professional parlance, "to change the channel".
Is there anything more sickening than this?????
Sunday, May 29, 2005
My mantra
My mantra these days is: Don't lose your capability to feel angry, don't lose your capability to feel angry, don't lose your capability to feel angry ...
Monday, May 16, 2005
Today's bread
I had a few bad days.
While having my first slice of bagel this morning, I thought about her.
I thought about the night she was grabbed from her bed and cruelly taken away from her parents.
What went through her mind? Was she scared? Was she helpless? Did she fight back? Did she suffer? How long did she live? And how did she die?
I don't know any of the answers.
But one thing I do know is this: She must have gone through a hell lot more than what I am going through now.
With that realization, back to work!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Martin vs. me
"Prime Minister Paul Martin has bought himself what he hopes will be a $4.6-billion political lifeline. (MARTIN O’HANLON, CP, 04/26/2005)But hey, everyone knows you've got unfair advantage. -- While I am staying at a homeless shelter and ranting about my bread, you are enjoying good sleep and diet. To say nothing of all the free infomecials you run on our nation's airwaves during the past a few days.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Change of name (II)
Effective immediately, the name of this blog has been changed for the second time.
The original name was "A JOBLESS IMMIGRANT WITHOUT PRIVACY", with the following description:
"On May 21, 2004, I stumbled on this blogosphere and immediately grabbed a spot. Intuitively, blogging seemed to be a helpful tool for what I was about to do.
However, I was still "in a daze" from years of being stalked, harassed, intruded and threatened. And Internet has been a huge part of that dreadful experience. That's why I haven't blogged a single word so far.
Anyway, I used to call myself Internet-challenged. Now, I want to change that, and everything in between, come hell or high water.
Just read me. 07/25/2004"
The second name was "Feeding our comatose pundits", adopted on January 5, with one-line description:
"Indifference is the epitome of evil."
The new name is "Justice for Cecilia Zhang", with one-line description:
"Fasting since October 20, 2004."
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
"Equality everywhere", everyone
Oh, why was it so hard for me to stop fasting? Here was the answer, folks.
"My other wish is that there are no more wars in the world and equality is everywhere, " wrote she.
Update 09/15/2005: Broken-link: I found that Cecilia Zhang's website ( was not available a few days ago. Updated link here.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Saturday in March
A good day. For me, anyways.
CXR came back and my lungs are clear.
That's a sign of relief, isn't it?
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Damn, this is worse than the colds
With virtually no symptoms, I skin-tested positive for TB (tuberculosis) last week. Now I am waiting for chest X-ray result.
I can tell you all about the context and "the story behind it". But hell, do you really care?
Thursday, February 17, 2005
It's a nasty cold
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Monday, February 07, 2005
Sorry, I sinned!
And here is my context. Also completely voluntary.
Do you think I will be forgiven? Yeah, hopefully.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nerve breakdown is that our work is terribly important."
Now on to Super Bowl!
Friday, February 04, 2005
Familiar territory
This week's bread is Dempster's WholeGrains flax loaf, on sale at The Loeb for $1.49 each.
Great food and great buy, folks.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
For others, apparently, it's just too hard for them to understand.
(Thank you all and good night.)
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
C.L.S. vs. C.L.D.
Anyway. Here is something for you to laugh about.
Given the progress we made, some of the competitive spirit coming out of the Liberal camp deserves special commendation. Therefore, I am announcing - Ahem - the following rank awards:
Chief Liberal Squirrel (C.L.S.) to Warren Kinsella for the most squirrelish behavior, i.e., taking down his earlier blogs.
Chief Liberal Donut (C.L.D.) to Margaret Wente for the most donut-like behavior, i.e., crying for political doctors.
(Mr. Kinsella also cried for doctors last week, albeit doctors with a slightly different trait. This donut-like behavior, it should be noted, was quite unseemly for a squirrel, even a pervert one.)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Does this scare you?
Don't laugh.
Just imagine this: I could send each and every subscriber of National Post an email with links to my blog and website.
Does it scare you? Yeah, I know.
Monday, January 24, 2005
When did talking about racism become taboo?
-- Elie Wiesel, Noble Peace Prize laureate
[I hope this wordy document will wake you all up.]
I thought that by doing the job for journalists and summarizing the connections to Cecilia Zhang case for them, I could cross off the No. 1 reason on my list for my fast. However, not a word has been mentioned about Cecilia Zhang case in the media. I guess I was totally wrong in my estimate of the widespread hardheadedness of "media indifference" - a term I coined just before I came to Ottawa for the second time in November.
Liberal sewage
The fact that Cecilia Zhang case was not mentioned by the media this time around did not entirely surprise me given the earlier silence media accorded to her case after I first revealed the connections on my blog in August, and later came to Ottawa to protest in October. What did surprise me was the swift and treacherous attack - bullying is a form of attack - national media launched against me.
To wit, on January 6, 2005, the day after I posted the summary of connections to Cecilia Zhang case on my blog, all three national newspapers used exactly the same picture - by the same photographer, of the same agency and with the same negative - on their front pages. Besides the underlying bullying message, they signaled to me that they were united.
(I have to ask: United against what? Against me? Just because I want to seek justice for Cecilia Zhang and myself? Or because I raised so many issues in my report that doesn’t reflect well on your political master? Against Chinese people? Is Cecilia Zhang your enemy too?)
Then, there was the now infamous column by Margaret Wente on that same day, which was showcased on Globe and Mail's front page throw.
For average reader, to showcase her column was probably a bit bizarre because it was so poorly written. However, she, as well as her editor, knew exactly what she was talking about. They were trying to bully me into backing down and giving up. Reading her column, I was utterly disgusted by her spraying such foul Liberal sewage, simultaneously mocking Canadian people, while ostensibly writing about one of our most cherished symbols, the Canadian flag.
I knew criminals and perverts could sink to the level of underground sewer. But for politicians and pundits to stoop that low? I could never have imagined.
A few days later, it also came to light that The Globe had stolen my blog idea by spying on my online activities (or obtaining the information from those who spied on my online activities). For avoid repetition, please read my previous blog entries for details.
Indeed, to say Canadian journalism -- which is essentially liberal journalism -- is a sewer is an insult to sewage.
National media: How did we get to this far?
For pundits and journalists as a privileged group, it's time to ask: "how did we get to this far?"
Asking this question brings us to the No. 2 issue, racism, as well as No. 4 issue, media indifference, on my list. As I alleged in my Cecilia Zhang summary and in my report, racism and hatred had played a role in this innocent girl's abduction and murder. When I look back at my six-month experience with the national media, my inevitable conclusion is that the same racist attitude was behind media's deliberate "indifference" towards my effort to bring my story and that of Cecilia Zhang's to light.
To wit, only two days after I revealed the connections to Cecilia Zhang case in my blog on August 15, 2004, Adam Radwanski, who had long wanted to help out Mr. Warren Kinsella in his "blog competition" with me, openly vented his hatred. Everybody who was watching that "blog competition" knew he directed his hatred at me in particular, and Chinese people in general. Just look for the following key words on both of our blogs: Olympic, spirit, competition, self-importance, etc. (Mr. Radwanski has since been promoted to the interim editorial page editor at the National Post. That said enough of the changes that took place at The Post in recent months.)
Blind hatred was irrational and could only last so long. The national media needed a more subtle form of racism - an angle, so to speak. Be the professionals as they are, it was not difficult for them to find one, which was to portrait - not picture - immigrants as an extension of a foreign entity and to associate them with anything that is negative about that entity.
This was not new to me. In fact, I believe that was exactly what the liberal government saw - not pictured - me through its colored lens.
When I urge people to read my report, I often say that the Devil is in the details. One such detail is the conversation I had with Mr. Ron McKay, a former high-ranking immigration officer and an immigration consultant from a reputable law firm.
Given how much he knew about my file without my telling him, I strongly believe that my file is a well-known one within the immigration department and his view reflected that of the government. -- That's why, in my summary, I raised the possibility of government's involvement in the crime against Cecilia Zhang. -- For example, here were two things Mr. McKay said to me in September 2002 (from my report):
(1) He suggested that I would be treated differently by the government since I came from a “communist country”.
(2) When I told him that I considered privacy my right, Mr. McKay became distinctly agitated and said: “basically, from a Canadian government standpoint, it is not your right to be here.”
Apparently, our national media, in serving their political master, not only adopted similar bigoted attitude on me, they also pursued a strategy based on that attitude to bully me and to cast - not picture - me in a negative view.
To wit again, on October 18, 2004, I announced on my blog that I would come to Ottawa the next day to protest. What happened next day? National Post started a series of commentaries about China, most of which in a negative tone. The Globe and Mail on that day started announcing on its front page throw about the coming Saturday edition of the newspaper devoted exclusively to China. (It would take weeks, if not months, to prepare for such an issue. My guess is that The Globe sent scores of reporters to China after it learned about my story and that of Cecilia Zhang's through my blog and website.)
As I acknowledged in my very first open letters to the government, China is a less developed country than Canada, both economically and democratically. That's exactly why so many people from China, and indeed, from other developing countries too, are motivated to immigrate to Canada. But to depict - not picture - immigrants as backward, either economically or democratically, is absurd. (Some of the bigotry is subtle, but equally harmful. For example, when Jeffery Simpson wrote about immigration recently, he used such expressions as 'importing poverty', 'poor economic performance by recent immigrants', etc.) And we've got to ask ourselves the question: had that blind hatred played a part in Cecilia Zhang's murder?
On the Hill: Indifference is the epitome of evil
From November 24 to December 14. Three weeks. Fifteen days. I went to the Hill to protest everyday.
For me, the worst part of protesting on the Hill was not my constant craving for food, even though I had started fasting on October 20, 2004, one year anniversary of Cecilia Zhang's abduction and lost almost 30 pounds eventually.
It was not the bitterly cold weather, either, although I had endured much. There were snow (not bad), hail (Okay), freezing rain (not good because I don't have boots), and worst of all, gusting wind chill pricking my face like thousands of needles.
For me, the worst part of it was the reactions of the media, both from my person experience on the Hill and from reading newspapers.
Let me tell you my "encounters" with one of the journalists on the Hill first.
This particular reporter I recognized because I often saw him on TV. Each time he passed me by on the Hill, he would look up to the sky. At first, I thought that it was just the way he walked until I saw him lower his head after passing me. I realized that he did so purposefully. Naturally it annoyed me very much. So one day when we crossed path, I imitated his action by looking up to the sky too. Well, I got his attention. And he stopped doing that afterward. (Whether he really realized what he had done to me, that I don't know.)
Then, on my last day on the Hill -- I am not proud to write this -- in a desperate attempt to get on the news, (I had planned to go back to Vancouver later that week and knew I would not be able to come back to Ottawa again due to financial difficulties), I threw my flyers into the parliament. The media, at the urge of Warren Kinsella through his blog, did not make a single noise about it. (Indeed, it was Mr. Kinsella who guided the media every step of the way during my entire fast to make sure nobody reported on my story.)
Then, there is what I call Liberal-Squirrels-cracking-Liberal-Nuts stuff in the print media and on TV.
To give you an example, on November 30, 2004, Terence Corcoran wrote a piece on National Post attacking Stephen Harper's conservatives. The title of his column, Murder on the Hill, however, was rather unusual, at least to the public. But everybody in the national media knew that he was really making a reference about me because I was protesting on the Hill with my "murder cover-up" signs (sorry that I could not post the signage here). Attacking the conservatives was also a nature thing for the media to do because as the enemy of my enemy, the conservatives were seen to have the most to gain if my story got out.
Another example was the Calgary Herald editorial on missile defense on December 5. It started with the sentence: "It's not often that facts and logic intrude into parliamentary debate in this country." Again, everybody -- everybody except the public, that is -- knew that the editorialist made a reference about me. I believe in facts and logic, and I'll go wherever fact and logic lead me in my pursuit of justice. And I said so in my open letters to MPs on October 18, 2004. The media chose to pick the missile defense angel because, when I am seen - not pictured - as an extension of China, a "communist country" in the minds of many, I am simply an enemy, plain and simple.
(If you really have to know, I agree with the editorialist at The Calgary Herald that missile defense is about weaponization of space, despite politicians' claim to the contrary. But it's obvious that Canada should join BMD because Canada is indefensible without US (what a shame!). Besides, the Americans are eager and working hard to sell it to us and they will cut us a good deal.)
I can tell you more of the nuts-cracking stuff in the media. But here is the thing. When the Prime Minister made the promise to Newfoundland and Labrador in the middle of the campaign that he knew he should not make, and when he handed out $41 billion dollars health care money to the province with few conditions attached, everybody knew he was weakening Canada. Yet nobody questioned his motive, which was to gain and cling to power no matter what the cost was to Canadians. But when an immigrant like me had the courage to blow the whistle and seek justice for the innocent, and ideas to improve the system, he would forever be cast - not pictured - into doubt because he is seen as an outsider. That's bigotry. And you all know it.
(By the way, I have my opinions on other issues as well. I will forgo expressing them until people stop looking at me through their colored glasses. Besides, I do want recognition for my ideas. And I think Canada needs strong political leadership, an informed public and open debates on these and many other important issues.)
All of these were in stark contrast with the reactions I got from the general public visiting Parliament Hill.
In total, I estimate that close to one hundred people came up to me to show their concern or support during those 15 days. They wanted to know my story and why I think there is a cover-up in Cecilia Zhang murder investigation. On my first or second day on the Hill, one gentleman walked up to me, looked me in the eye, shook my hand and said: "What you are doing is very good." Besides the memories of Cecilia Zhang, it was this kind of encouragement from the average citizens that helped me carrying on. For that, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Racism: When did talking about it become taboo?
"Is Canada a racist society?"
Merely asking that question would irk some people greatly. Indeed, Canadians are generally seen as polite, reasonable, caring, and peaceful people. It's a reputation we are very proud of; it's also one we need to protect with diligence.
However, having that reputation should not stop us from working to rid of the blemishes, shortcomings or even evils of our society. To start with, we should not turn a blind eye to the injustices that exist in our society. In other words, we should not be indifferent.
Racism is a cancer of our society. On this subject, experts know better. So I'll simply quote from the book The Color of Democracy: Racism in Canadian Society, which I am still reading after I borrowed it from SFU library in early October.
"Canadians … ignore the harsh reality of a society divided by colour and ethnicity."
"Racist beliefs and practices, although widespread and persistent, are frequently invisible to everyone but those who suffer from them."
In other words, racism on one hand, is "a commanding force in this country". On the other hand, its impact is seldom acknowledged because we do live in a free and democratic society that "espouse equality, tolerance, social harmony" among the most polite group of people on earth. Put it in another way, to discuss racism openly in Canada, to many people, is like belching at the dinner table. That's why the authors of the book say that we live "in a state of collective denial".
I am not a politician therefore have long memories. Yet I don't remember when was the last time we had a serious discussion on racism. Maybe the time to discuss it is now.
Let’s talk about racism, loudly and with dignity.
Monday, January 17, 2005
What's been said on immigration?
The accuser, August 20, 2004
"Each year, Christmas brings Santa Claus and political rumors. But, no, Virginia, there is no cabinet shuffle."
Scott Reid, PMO Chief Spin Doctor, December 16, 2004
"Judy Sgro's departure doesn't fix the problem."
Editorialist, The Globe and Mail, January 15, 2005
"After Sgro, reform [the immigration system]."
Editorialist, National Post, January 15, 2005
"[The accuser] Harjit Singh has now been pictured as somebody who was completely unreliable."
Joe Volpe, new Immigration Minister, January 16, 2005
It looks like Mr. Volpe has joined the pack of Liberal Squirrels.
Hole in G&M
They admitted it. In today's cartoon. By the same political cartoonist.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
"Infections are the Devil's work."
Sometimes kids say the damnedest things, the most famous one being "The Emperor has no clothes".
I knew for a fact that the above saying came from a six year-old, days after I revealed that there is a connection to Cecilia Zhang case. (For a summary, see here.) In fact, I was quite inspired by it while drafting my open letter to MPs.
As for the Devil's work, the same can be said about infection of technologies.
Take, for example, Blogger, my blogging service provider, an otherwise great technology subsidiary of Google, Inc. I have had problems with this company since before the first ministers meeting on health care back in September. My recent blog silence is, in fact, largely attributable to its infection, well, by the Devils.
I have listed some of the coincidences or inconsistencies I experienced with its service on my website. But I wanted to tell my latest experience with them.
After my previous feed -- the result of which is to be posted later -- I did not blog until last Thursday, January 13. And there was no problem with Blogger either, except for "a brief 15 minute outage" on Tuesday.
After I tried to blog by sending out my email entry at 5:10PM Thursday, strange things happened.
- My email blog was rejected and returned at 1:30AM Saturday by Blogger. However, the entry did appear on my blog with an exactly the same time stamp of 1:30AM Saturday.
- At 11:43AM, Blogger updated its Blogger Status page to say that there was a problem with Mail2Blogger.
Now I have to enter my blog twice, one by email just to the time stamp (God knows it's important to get the time right) and the other one from the dashboard to make sure you folks get it in time. That's why you get double vision sometimes.
More technology infections later.
Double vision
It's just that, to prevent me from being heard, technology has grabbed me by the throat.
You know, a virus infection or something.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
I can't believe G&M is stealing my blog idea!
But you stalkers only got it partially right. It was supposed to be donut and squirrel. -- Liberal Donut(c) and Liberal Squirrel(c), to be precise.
Look at your cartoon again. Your donut is missing a hole.
Maybe Globe and Mail has a hole.
Change of name
The old name was "A JOBLESS IMMIGRANT WITHOUT PRIVACY", with the following description:
"On May 21, 2004, I stumbled on this blogosphere and immediately grabbed a spot. Intuitively, blogging seemed to be a helpful tool for what I was about to do.
However, I was still "in a daze" from years of being stalked, harassed, intruded and threatened. And Internet has been a huge part of that dreadful experience. That's why I haven't blogged a single word so far.
Anyway, I used to call myself Internet-challenged. Now, I want to change that, and everything in between, come hell or high water.
Just read me. 07/25/2004"
The new name is "Feeding our comatose pundits", with one-line description:
"Indifference is the epitome of evil."
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Doing a journalist's job]
Okay. Forget about the innocent kid pictures for the moment. The following wordy document, based on my November 29 response to a journalist inquiry, surely will sex you up, unless, of course, you are totally numb, blind, deaf, AND brain-dead.
Summary of connections to Cecilia Zhang case
I wrote my report originally for the purpose of seeking public support for my own civil case. Since it is very long and with a lot of details, I will summarize here the connections between my civil case and Cecilia Zhang case.
In the lawsuit I filed with Supreme Court of BC in November 2002, my major grievances against the defendant were sabotage of my career and harassment, mostly of a sexual nature, which started in fall 1993 and culminated in an online robbery that cost me my last job. The online robbery occurred on Oct 20-24, 2000, exactly three years BEFORE Cecilia Zhang's abduction. (Of course, this timing coincident was not the only one between these two. But certainly it was the most obvious one.)
Why am I fasting?
In early 2001, I initiated a privacy request with the federal immigration department to try to get my personal file. I believe it contained information that was detrimental to the defendant. The government did the cover-up for the defendant by withholding my personal information from me. It was around that time (summer 2001) that the idea of a hunger strike first came to my mind, a time when I realized that the government was on their side and I felt extremely hopeless and depressed.
Later, when I realized that the government and police joined the defendant in bullying and harassing me, I knew that a hunger strike to draw public's attention and support was probably my only option.
Of course, now that I think there is a reasonable chance of a connection to the Cecilia Zhang case, the most important reason I am on a hunger strike is to make sure justice is done for Cecilia.
That's why I listed 8 issues on my website, with "Justice for Cecilia Zhang" on top of my list.
Motive in the Cecilia Zhang case
(Note: Motive was unknown in official police investigation.)
The defendant wanted "private justice". Over the years, they sent me numbers with implied monetary meanings, often in a bullying and harassing manner and often indicating gross violation of my privacy. They also sent me a number of woman agents in a sexual context.
When I informed them, in November 2002, my intention to sue them in court and/or to make my case public, they intens ified their harassment efforts (gay agent, telephone harassment, targeting people around me, etc).
By then, the defendant, together with the government, had almost complete control of my life. They made it virtually impossible for me to find a lawyer to pursue my case legally, as is evidenced by the fact that even my telephone conversations made from courthouse library were monitored. Their other major worry then was the expected fallout of my going public with my case. -- Thus, I think the primary motive for Cecilia Zhang's abduction was to create a headline in case I went public with my case on October 20, 2003. (I think hatred was also a factor in her abduction and murder.)
Looking back, the first indication of their "media strategy" to deal with the fallout of my going public was that, after the start of Iraq War in late March 2003, they virtually stopped their harassment activities for a few months. -- Their rationale was that, because of the intense media coverage of Iraq War, it would be very difficult for my story to get media attention.
(I also noticed from media report that incidentally, the woman tenant, through whom the only suspect Min Chen got to know Cecilia and her family, moved out of Cecilia's house in March 2003.-- The woman was never charged.)
I think the defendant knew that the most likely date I would pick to go public with my case was October 20, 2003. Indeed, if it were not for my depression, which made writing my report even more painstaking, I would have been able to finish my report and release it on that day.
Besides, there were intense harassing activities before that date (see my report), including a woman agent who was sent to me from China in early October 2003 - just a couple of weeks before Cecilia's abduction, probably with the cooperation of the immigration department.
Looking back, it is logical to think that it was after all those efforts failed, that Cecilia Zhang's abduction occurred.
The other intriguing timing coincident was that, within a week of my second news release over the Internet on July 18, Cecilia's case was in the news again due to the police's decision to make the (only) arrest, and there was another car break-in(s) - which I believe were bullying incidents involving police and targeted at me - in my apartment building. (On October 20, 2003, the day when Cecilia abduction dominated the news, some cars were broken into in my building.)
Why Cecil ia Zhang?
Since the defendant has the ears of the government and some politicians, they could spin my case easily. Mostly, I think they spread rumors that connected one of the defendant's (Weldon's) daughters with me. These kind of rumors had the effect of masking their malicious intention (i.e., destroying my career out of jealousy and/or hatred). Besides, they further exposed me to hatred and contempt.
Of course, I do not think they would tell anybody about the reference letter of 1993 - the origin of my grievances - and the subsequent bullying and harassment.
Rumors asides, two actual incidents involving Weldon's daughters may bear some particular significance to Cecilia's case. One was a sexually explicit telephone message one of his daughters left in my answering machine in summer 1995, and the caller was clearly a minor at the time.
The other one was a stalking incident on June 15, 2000 - about four months before the online robbery - when all three of Weldon's daughters were in my usual lunch place when I walked in. The youngest one was probably 9 or 10 years old.
I do not know how the defendant might have spun those two incidents. They clearly incite hatred in people. In fact, I believe that at least three people were influenced by the first incident.
1. Ed Ng, a lawyer who said to me "all you have is one recording".
2. Warren Kinsella, a liberal insider. See the section on him in the last chapter.
3. Lisa Caruso, a woman agent sent to me in summer 2001.
For details, please read my report.
Who were involved in the Cecilia Zhang case?
(Note: To snatch a 9-year-old from her bedroom, which happened to be different from her usual bedroom due to visit of family member(s), in the middle of the night, more than one suspect was likely to be involved, as opposed to a single suspect in the current investigation. Indeed, within approximately ten days of the abduction, a lead investigator publicly stated that there was evidence to suggest that more than one person were involved in the crime.)
After my failed privacy request, I am fairly sure that the government had become actively involved in bullying and harassing me. This, together with the possible knowledge and/or cooperation of CIC in sending the last woman agent to me just 10 days before Cecilia's abduction, raised the horrifying possibility of the government's involvement in Cecilia Zhang's abduction and murder.
During the investigation and eventual fall of the Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski, I started to pay attention to liberal politicians. My feeling was that some of them knew about my case, as spun by the defendant. This feeling grew stronger during the last election as I felt that the Liberals were very concerned that, if I went public in the middle of a campaign, my case could become an election issue to the detriment of the Liberal Party. Specific incidents detailed in my report suggested Paul Martin's knowledge of my file, notwithstanding my first open letter on December 12, 2003.
As recently as in September, right before the first ministers meeting on health care, which was hugely important to the Prime Minister politically, I again experienced police bullying and Internet problems. Did the Prime Minister provide political direction in the latest incidents? I tend not to think so (but I could be wrong). What likely happened was that the politicians provided cover-up for the defendant's wrong-doings, and the defendant in turn did the dirty work on me to make sure that Mr. Martin stayed in power.
Clearly, the ruling Liberal party regarded my file as a potential political liability and they tried to do everything possible to muzzle me. But I do not think that the party or its members were directly involved in Cecilia Zhang's abduction or murder.
I hope the above summary will provide a general idea as to why I think there is a connection to the Cecilia Zhang case. Still, I strongly suggest that you read my report (and blog) thoroughly.
As they say, the devil is in the details.
Note: The usual disclaimer applies: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.