Since I posted my last wordy document, reading newspapers has been making me laugh too much. -- How did I laugh? Oh, mon, I just wish you were there. -- We are definitely making progress.
Anyway. Here is something for you to laugh about.
Given the progress we made, some of the competitive spirit coming out of the Liberal camp deserves special commendation. Therefore, I am announcing - Ahem - the following rank awards:
Chief Liberal Squirrel (C.L.S.) to Warren Kinsella for the most squirrelish behavior, i.e., taking down his earlier blogs.
Chief Liberal Donut (C.L.D.) to Margaret Wente for the most donut-like behavior, i.e., crying for political doctors.
(Mr. Kinsella also cried for doctors last week, albeit doctors with a slightly different trait. This donut-like behavior, it should be noted, was quite unseemly for a squirrel, even a pervert one.)