Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How corrupt is American’s capital markets under George W. Bush?

Very very indeed. From my experience, the financial gains made by market insiders who had the knowledge of my story dwarfed even the recently-revealed $50 billion Pyramid scheme by Madoff.

Cases in points:

In the morning of November 1, 2007, minutes after I handed in my hunger strike notice to the prison authority, the Dow Jones index was in a virtual free fall.

During the more recent financial market turmoil, the Dow Jones index shot up hundreds of points one day and nobody seemed to able to explain it. A market professional told the host of a business program on TV that the market rumor of the day was that "The sun has come out." Well, that's exactly what I told my mother over the phone the afternoon before when she asked me about Vancouver's weather. But an implication of this case was that both Bush administration and Harper government knew the plan to - I don't know how to put it - make me a super leader of China, not simply just to replace Hu Jintao.

On December 9, I phoned in and was on CFRB Toronto between 3:10PM and 3:15PM. If you compare my "appearance" on CFRB and the intra-day chart of say, Dow Jones index, you will find that the markets dropped almost instantaneously the moment I spoke, and rebounded when host Michael Coren hanged up on me. I also believe an earlier drop minutes after 2:00PM, was an reaction to my connecting to radio stations through the Internet.

There are other cases. I will do some research and provide more details later. The point is, people who made money out of my story are those who are close to the Bush administration and Harper government, not the little guys on the main street.

Update (20090104):

I still can’t find out from which TV program (Nightly Business Report?, Business News Network?, or least likely, CNN?) I heard that my “private” telephone conversation had become market-moving rumor. But I am confident with my memory. As a matter of fact, I remember this market professional used bipolar - which is what I likely have - to describe the market.

I am able to determine, however, that the day when the sun came out on the markets was September 30. The Dow shot up 485 points, representing a capital gain of hundreds of billions of dollars.

As such, things are coming back to me now. Bush televised speeches. The weather in Vancouver. My own mood and how the markets reacted to my mood. Bush came on TV again in front of a bookshelf. I went to SFU library…. Plus the inexplicable. Details Soon.

-- While researching on this subject, I also discovered another case of potential market corruption. I strongly suspect that market insiders knew before the start of trading on September 17 that I was going to borrow 7 books later that day. This may help to explain the 449 points drop in Dow that day. -- A New York Times report that day only attributed a general fear in the market for the decline. -- Of course, the potential market impact of my borrowing books was never on my mind. As I said in the previous blog, I borrowed the 7 books out of fear for my own safety.

It was actually on Tuesday September 16 that I first went to the Vancouver Public Library central branch to try to check out 7 books. After I had chosen those 7 Chinese books, however, I realized that I had forgot to bring my library card with me. So I asked the library staff to hold the books for me and I went home to get my card. When I came back to the library - it must have been in the late afternoon - I found, to my surprise, that the central library was closed due to “an unknown fume”. That’s why those 7 books were checked out the next morning.

So the questions are: Where did the fume come from? Did it have anything to do with the governments? Was I followed in the library? Did the governments know the 7 books I left with the reserve counter on September 16? If so, did they leak that information to Wall Street insiders?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas update

Prime minister Stephen Harper's announcement of senate appointments on Monday was an reaction to my returning a book to SFU library on Sunday.

My book borrowing activities have political significance, which is of course known to Mr. Harper. After my trip to SFU library on Sunday, my books on loan changed from 3 (from VPL), 4 (from UBC library) and 5 (from SFU library) to 3, 4 and 4. The political implication was that I was going to reveal the true power structure of Chinese politics and that I was in fact being considered to replace President Hu Jintao as the fourth generation of Chinese leadership. Sensing that I was going to reveal everything, Mr. Harper made the senate announcement to rally his political base to ensure survival. (By making a televised announcement on Friday December 19 before a bookshelf just like he did before, President Bush sensed what I would do from my visit to UBC the night before. To duly respond, I picked 4 rather easy-to-understand books from UBC that afternoon.)

By the way, I have always maintained that I am only a candidate for the 5th generation for a couple of reasons: (1) to strive for an orderly transfer of power in China; and (2) to ensure that I will be able to pursue justice for Cecilia Zhang. Messrs. Bush and Harper was able to force me to reveal the whole truth because of the blackmail they held with respect to my dignity photos. Their motive? If I have to guess, I would say that they wanted to feel morally superior because both U.S. and Canada have elections to effect peaceful transfer of powers. Indeed, both leaders talked about it recently. -- I do admire the political systems of both Canada and USA. I think they work very well for these two countries respectively. But obviously, the same can not be said about either of these two leaders personally. (Another motive could be that Mr. Bush did not want to be known as someone beaten by a simple "jobless-immigrant-without-privacy" turned NEXT generation of Chinese leadership.)

Indeed, in recent time, the international politics had, to a fair extent, been concerned with bringing me out to the public and the associated transfer of power in China and in particular, whether it can be done peacefully. As for myself, I said enough about my own views on my association with politics and I did not want to repeat myself here.

There were two opportunities for the transfer. One was the Beijing Olympic in August and the other APEC Summit in November.

I wrote in my December 4th letter to the Governor General that it was my July 31 letter to Russian Embassy in Ottawa that prompted Mr. Harper to muse about a snap election. I believe Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin planned to make my story public during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on August 8. It was apparent that Mr. Bush instructed the Georgian president to provoke a war with Russia earlier that day in order to foil Mr. Putin's plan in Beijing. (By the way, I was so appalled that a respected host of five former secretaries of state on CNN could not even get the very basic fact of Georgia-Russian conflict straight, the fresh fact I provided here aside. If the guest had not been a person of Gen. Colin Powell's stature, he would have challenged the General that it was the Georgians who deliberately started the war.)

I did not want to see the military conflict escalate to the brink of a new cold war in the long term or to the benefit of McCain presidential campaign in the short term. I believe both the U.S. and the world needed a change and a President McCain would almost surely follow Bush's disastrous policies.

That's why I remain silent during the conflict, much to the chagrin of the Russians. Immediately after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgia and the closing of Beijing Olympics, I paid a visit to the Russian Embassy in the last week of August. I wanted to say sorry to them. I also wanted to convey to them my consideration of U.S. presidential election in my decision.

However, I was a political asylum seeker and wanted to remain so. I could not say what I wanted to say plainly. So I decided to drop some hints.

My first hint was the two books I borrowed from SFU library just before I went to Ottawa. The first book was American business in China: balancing culture and communication. I personally liked the book because it was a business book written by two experts on intercultural communications, an area I had been interested in. The meaning I hoped to convey to everyone was that U.S.-China has mutually beneficial economic relationship and we should try our best not to jeopardize it. Remember, the world was at the brink of cold war at the time due to Bush's recklessness.

The second book was The arc of Japan's economic development. I could not find any books on the impending burst of U.S. economic bubble and this book was a close approximate. I knew that if the U.S. election was to be fought on economy - which it should be given the economic deterioration of late - it would increase Obama's chance. Of course, I could not predict that the U.S. economic bubble would explode in such a dramatic way or in less than a month. (What bothered me was that too many smart people around of the world tended to overanalyze me and give my actions more meanings or credits than I ever thought of. For example, I later found that people would give the number two (books) the meaning of eleven or November. Frankly, I did not think of that at the time. Remember, not everything I do has some significant political meanings, especially since I do not even know which actions of mine are "public".) In any case, my goal with borrowing these two books was to point to their common subject, i.e., the economy.

My second chance of dropping hints came with my conversations with the Russian embassy. I kept looking at my American Eagle Outfitters backpack while talking to them about my political asylum application. When Mr. Putin gave an interview to CNN later that week, linking Georgian provocation with U.S. election, I knew I had succeeded with my trip.

Now, when I made that decision to postpone the "zero hour", I did fear one thing, my own life. Since I had been tortured in mental hospital with the knowledge of George W. Bush, forced to take suicide-inducing drugs and assaulted in prison orchestrated by Harper government from behind the scenes, I knew the chance was very high that Messrs. Bush and Harper could always attempt on my life again to blow up everything so as to elect Sen. McCain. This scenario became more probable when Mr. Harper ratcheted up his election urgency to beat the U.S. vote date. (Indeed, right after Canadians voted on October 14, there was at least one attempt which involved a traffic-violating vehicle and a helicopter.)

Frankly, I had not planned to do anything after coming back from Ottawa. I just planned to be extra careful between these two voting dates. It was the financial market meltdown in mid-September that changed my plan. The meltdown increased the likelihood that Messrs. Bush and Harper would make a news out of me so as to influence the U.S. election. Indeed, there appeared to be suspicious persons or activities around me whenever I went out of my home after I came back from Ottawa.

That's why I borrowed 7 books from Vancouver Public Library on September 17, in the middle of market meltdown. The number 7 has a very ominous meaning in Chinese politics because hardcore anti-China forces of the world wanted to see China be divided into 7 pieces. Therefore, my borrowing 7 books that day was almost a cry for attention.

The Bush administration took the bait readily. The next day, secretary Rice gave a scathing speech on Russia. (Frankly, it was long on rhetoric and short on substance.) I soon noticed that I was introduced to the U.S. presidential campaign. And I knew I would be safe for the time being. Indeed, I remained in the background throughout the campaign.

The second opportunity for my debut and the peaceful transfer of Chinese power was the APEC Summit on November 22-23 in Peru. Insofar as I unwittingly picked or contributed in picking this date, President-elect Obama correctly pointed that out during the campaign with the phrase "an act of God", which, by the way, Sen. McCain subsequently mocked using the same phrase.

There were other examples suggesting my being in the background of the campaign, such as:
  • An Obama campaign staff telling his counterpart in McCain camp on TV that "you guys over-reacted".
  • An Obama campaign staff telling his counterpart in McCain camp on TV that "you guys confused strategy with tactics".
  • The first public statements by both Obama and McCain after the vote were about sleep, in apparent reference to my Summer Hibernation blog.
  • The final word of Sen. McCain was: "We don't hide from history. We make history." This was in reference to my quote on reactionaries, which are usually defined as those who go against history. Sen. McCain was obviously becoming more and more frustrated in the last stretch of the campaign that I had not been in the open. -- Another campaign rhetoric of his was: "Stand up. Stand up and fight."
  • A worried U.S. lawmaker told a puzzled ABC host George Stephanopoulos on the financial crisis: "We can't talk about this on Sunday morning talk shows", knowing that I will be watching.
  • Of course, there was Vice-President-elect Biden's famous gaffe about a major test for the Obama administration within six month. Sen. Biden was clearly spun.
In short, I guess that in other people's mind, I am always regarded as the person who hold the truth on U.S.-China nuclear relations. Even President Clinton said during his campaign speech for Obama: "Sen. Obama can understand. Sen. Obama can." This was in apparent reference to my blog Untitled, which was originally in response to what I read in Canadian newspapers on the day it was written. My blog had no other political or nuclear meanings.

On the day before the APEC meeting, my SFU website was taken down by the government. As such, the plan to peacefully transfer the power from Hu to me was again disrupted. I was naturally quite frustrated. Since I understood it was President-elect Obama's preference, too, to stick with the plan and thus avoid inheriting Bush's negative legacy, I decided to ask for his help. That's why I went to two libraries on November 29 to make my borrowing records 3 (VPL), 4 (SFU) and 4 (UBC) from 3 (VPL) and 5 (SFU). My message was: "You and I wanted November. Look what we get." Disorderly transfer of power and potential chaos is not only bad for China, but also for the world.

Unfortunately, President-elect Obama took the message the wrong way. To be fair, the four Chinese books I borrowed from UBC that day might be the problem. President-elect Obama must have thought that I was rebuking what President Clinton said about him during the campaign. Since they injected political or nuclear meanings to my original blog, the wrong message President-elect Obama got must have been that I was challenging him nuclear. Indeed, when I borrowed those four books, Clinton's campaign speech was nowhere near my mind. The only thing in my mind was to borrow four books. I went to UBC's Asian library (thus borrowed Chinese books instead of English ones) because, up to that time, I had always visited Asian library each and every time I went to UBC. Of course, the total number 11 might be considered as a deliberate affront to the Americans. But I did want to convey a sense of potential direness of the situation here.

In the morning of Monday, December 1, Mr. Obama replied my message with his news conference announcing 6 members of his national security team. His message was that he wanted to move me down to the 6th generation of Chinese leadership. (In his first news conference after the election, he announced 4 nominations, indicating his support of my 4th generation status, just like what he did a couple of times during the campaign. In the next two news conferences, he announced 2 nominations each, indicating his preference in sticking with the November schedule.) However, from my own source of information, I also knew that if I accepted his message, they (US and Canadian governments) would use my dignity photos to crush my credibility, even threaten that Hong Kong might be in play. (Presumably, they knew I could not fully understand Cantonese.) This really got my blood boiling. I immediately left for SFU library.

If by the will of God, I hold the truth on U.S.-China nuclear relations, I am not going to let anybody bully me. I checked out two books from SFU:
I only kept the second book for a few hours before I returned it. I also returned the 4 books to UBC library on the same day. Therefore, I came down to 3 (VPL) and 5 (SFU) books again. The messages were clear, besides telling Obama that I understand his message: (1) China's status in East Asia is being taken down off the table; (2) there is a great opportunity for U.S. and China to engage in dialogue on global issues such as economy and climate; and (3) I still wanted an orderly transfer of power in China.

(By the way, both books are supplemental to a key book I have been reading since September: The democracy of the dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the hope for democracy in China. I learned of this political philosophy book from American business in China: Balancing culture and communication. Soon I realized it was an important book and I did not want anyone know that I was reading it. So I moved the book to another location in the library (sorry) and read it there. It was from Mr. Obama's campaign rhetoric that I first suspected that I was followed inside the library. This was confirmed on the day I finally decided to check the book out on my card - somebody had slightly and deliberately moved that book. By the way, the final due date for this book was December 3. That's another reason why the consensus among people on my side was to stick to the November schedule. -- I said this before and I will say it again: When Messrs. Bush and Harper say that they want to promote democracy and human rights around the world, don't believe it.)

When I came back from SFU library in the evening, I noticed that a police car was watching me near my home, just like on a few other occasions. Bully.

After the political crisis manufactured by Mr. Harper in Ottawa, I wrote a letter to GG and tried to break the news myself through radio phone-ins. This was not easy, partly because the Harper government was able to stay one step ahead of me, partly because I am orally-challenged. After I blogged about part of my experience in trying to get on the radio, Messrs. Bush and Harper raised their ransom again. This time, they wanted me to admit that I was being considered for the 4th generation of Chinese leadership, using again my dignity photos as blackmail. Apparently they did not want me to confront Mr. Michael Coren on the radio. I was incensed. If they are so interested in my readings, I hope they at least learn one concept there: Junzi.

After some deliberation, I decided to tell the truth. And I hope truth shall set me free.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Michael Coren, come clean

I called in his show on CFRB and was on very briefly between 3:10PM and 3:15PM this Tuesday December 9th. Before I had the chance to reveal my special identity as a candidate for the 5th generation of Chinese leadership, or to make the point that my file was the root cause of the current political crisis in Ottawa, he said to me on air: "So, you are saying the prime minister is 5 steps ahead of you."

By talking in codes on public airway, Mr. Coren was apparently doing the bidding for the Conservative government to keep me off the airway. From my standpoint, this was not that hard to understand. -- I did some research online on Sunday December 7th on radio talk shows and his was one of those I visited. The government, who monitors every move of mine, online or offline, simply moved one (not 5!) step of me by influencing Mr. Coren beforehand.

I have since tried to call his show to confront him about this. On Wednesday, I could not get through. On Thursday, I was turned away by his producer. By the way, in these two shows, he had been trying very hard to stay away from politics topics.

Michael Coren, come clean.


Stay tuned:

CFRB Toronto
CFRA Ottawa
AM 770 CHQR Calgary
CFAX Victoria
AM 640 Toronto

and other radio talk shows in Canada.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Letter to GG: the real cause of our political crisis

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Yu <>
Date: Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:39 AM
Subject: the real cause of our political crisis


I am a Chinese immigrant residing in Vancouver. I am also a candidate for the next (5th) generation of Chinese leadership. I know the root cause of our current political crisis in Ottawa and I think you should know it, too.

This crisis is entirely manufactured by our political class - both the Conservatives and the oppositions. The primary consideration behind Conservative's Economic Update last Thursday was to deliberately create the crisis. Contrary to what many observers believed, the prime minister, being a shrewd politician as he always is, wanted desperately to shut down the parliament so that he would not have to deal with my file.

At the core of my file was my years' struggle to seek justice for Cecilia Zhang, an innocent 9-year-old Toronto girl who, I believe with a minimum 60% certainty, was murdered by our own government.

The whole country watched Excellency read the Speech from the Throne on November 19. Between the lines, the prime minister signaled to the "people in the loop" - including all political parties, senior civil servants, and a substantial portion of our media - his intention: "Parliament should be an expression of our highest ideals and deepest values, our greatest hopes and grandest dreams for the future of our children."

This is not to mention the treatments I got from his government due to my struggle to seek justice for Cecilia Zhang, as well as my political orientations. For my protest on Pattullo Bridge in New Westminster at the end of October 2005 - which gave the then opposition parties the determination to bring down the Martin government - I was put into a malicious prosecution process in which virtually every aspect, from the judges, to lawyers (whether paid or pro bono), Crown counsel, Forensic Psychiatrists, etc. etc., had been influenced by the government. As a result, I was incarcerated for 4 months and forced to take psychiatric medication in a mental hospital afterwards. There were also multiple attempts on my personal life by this government, including one in prison where I was assaulted by Mr. Aikman, one of Canada's most violent criminals. Consider this: The day before I was assaulted, Aikman was informed that his first-degree (?) murder charge had been dropped. (There were many other facts suggesting the assault was encouraged, ultimately, by the government.)

After I was released from the mental hospital, I wrote to the Russian Embassy for political asylum on July 31. I believe it was after the prime minister had found out this that he first signaled to the country that he was to call a snap election, only one week after he had called two by-elections. I remember one report by Canadian Press, - which, I believe, is PMO's favorite news outlet, - quoted a Conservative source about the decision to call an election, using the phrase "kangaroo court". -- If you would look into my court records, you will find that I used this phrase in court.

Yes, our political class are talking in codes and between lines to keep the Canadian public in the dark. Just two days ago, NDP MP Pat Martin used the word "insight" on CBC Newsworld. I knew what he meant. He knew that I am his biggest obstacle to form this Liberal-NDP Coalition Government - which, by the way, worried me greatly with its secessionist component holding the balance of power - and attacked and discredited me as a certified mental patient. Excellency, when I was locked up in mental hospital, I was forced to take high doses of psychiatric drugs and I soon had suicidal thoughts. The only way for me to get out of the hospital was to admit that the doctors and courts were right. That's why I praised the drugs for improving my "poor insight". Even now, I fear everyday of being returned to mental hospital.

Excellency, I know I have put forward some quite unbelievable allegations. If you need more detailed information, you could visit my websites starting at One of my websites,, was however forcefully taken down by SFU just last week, first under the pretext that I had used up my disc space, then under the false accusation that I had not maintained the payment. I firmly believe, as usual, the government was behind this.

However, there is also a rather simple way to for you to find out if all this is true: Simply ask the prime minister about it when he approach you for the permission to prorogue the Parliament today.

Having found out the truth, you will find it much easier to make this critical decision for the country.


Jim Yu

Update (20081208): Internet Archive has the contents of my SFU website.

Update (20090509): I just noticed that Internet Archive is missing some chapters of my first report. I have posted the report in its entirety here.