Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Letter to President Ahmadinejad

Dear President Ahmadinejad:

At this time of heightened tension in the region surrounding your country, I am writing, as a Canadian immigrant, to offer you a couple of ideas to reduce the tension between your government and other countries, particularly the United Kingdom.

  1. Release the 15 British soldiers as soon as possible.

I don't know whether these 15 British soldiers were in Iranian or Iraqi waters when they were detained by your military. There are conflicting reports as I noticed that a senior Iraqi officer had backed up your side of the story and British officials had said that they had proof to back up theirs. However, I do think it would be wise for you to release these soldiers as soon as possible even if your side of the story is true. This is because, simply put, the other side has a much much louder speaker. More importantly, by releasing these 15 British soldiers now, you demonstrate to the world Iran's goodwill and desire to resolve the conflict with the British.

  1. Publicize the idea of a uranium bank.

A significant source of the current tension originates from concern over your country's uranium enrichment program. As a huge fan of Mr. Warren Buffett, I noticed a report last year that he pledged financial support, through the Washington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative, for the creation of "a backup fuel reserve" with the International Atomic Energy Agency. I am no expert at all in this field, but I believe that when the sage speaks, the world should listen.

Mr. President, I offer these ideas to you in the hope that, in case you decide to adopt either of them, you would let the world know that you heed my advice as I myself desperately want to get on the news.

I am not entirely sure if you are aware of my cause. I have been fighting for justice for Cecilia Zhang, an innocent 9-year-old Toronto girl, for more than two and a half years. Because of years of unemployment/under-employment, my situation, and in particular, my health, had not been very good even before Cecilia Zhang's abduction and murder. With the fasting and added stress coming from fighting for my cause, my health has deteriorated quite considerably lately. Besides, there are a host of other issues I have to cope with day to day. For more information, you may wish to have your officials visit my blogs and website: www.jyu1.blogspot.com, www.jyu5.blogspot.com, www.jyu6.blogspot.com and www.sfu.ca/~jyu1 etc. As you can see, my life is almost intolerable.

If you are aware of my cause, as I suspect a number of other governments do too, I wish to emphasize that writing this letter doesn't in any sense mean that I want to inject myself into international politics. I am interested in solving problems and possibly contributing to world peace. And my personal situation dictates that I welcome any opportunity to release myself of the heavy burden on my shoulder by getting on the media. I respect Iran's politics, just like I do American politics, or any other country's politics. However, I wish to remain above politics. As such, I do not wish to see my writings be given all sorts of interpretations when they have nothing to do with politics. This is a concern for me because I have been especially disgusted by the wildly oscillating interpretations from the same politician (such as President Hu Jintao) or political source (such as the Bush administration).

Perhaps, a simple gesture of pointing world media to my blogs and website would be sufficient. Thank you very much.