Monday, August 30, 2004

"Coincidence or Conspiracy?"

Here is the introducing paragraph of the last alumni newsletter (for Summer 2002) I received from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University.

"It is just 15 months since our Department was established; we had 15 students graduate [sic] with a Major in Statistics or Actuarial Science in June 2002; we have 15 graduate students registered in the 2002-2 term (full time, not co-op). Coincidence or Conspiracy?"

Very interesting coincidence indeed, I thought to myself.

Then I noticed the newsletter was mailed out exactly two years -- which coincidentally is the normal statute of limitations period -- after I lost my last job because of an online robbery on October 20-24, 2000.

Curious, I called the friendly secretary Ms. Sylvia Holmes and thus knew which important person did the mailing.

Scary stuff. Definitely no kid stuff.