Monday, August 23, 2004

Moron vs. Mormon

Four years ago, in the clumsiness of summer, I got a call from a classmate of mine, whom I had not heard from for more than ten years. Just like most of my other classmates, he had a kid already although he's not that much older.

Two things he said came to my mind recently:

  1. After telling me that a friend of his had just bought a house worth 500,000, he asked me: "Isn't that shocking?!"
  2. He told me of one of his friends who was "also very smart, very nice and very handsome", and who was a Mormon.

For a moment, I thought he said moron. He clarified that he meant Mormon the religion.

After the conversation, I realized that there were huge differences between the two and he was thus quite possibly not a moron.